In essentials....

We belive the scriptures clearly teach us these essential truths:

God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things.  He has revealed Himself to us in three Personalities; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each Personality of the Trinity is completely God and shares the same nature and attributes.  God the Father is perfect in holiness, wisdom power and love.  By grace, He saves from destruction the spiritual death of all those who come to Him through repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the Son.  He is both fully God and fully human. He came to earth and shared in our humanity to reconcile us to God by living a sinless life and becoming the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by His death on the cross.  His death satisfied God's justice and made possible for all who believe in Him to be freed from the penalty of sin and made acceptable to God on the grounds of His sin-payment.  Having died on the cross, Christ rose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven.  He will return again to consummate history and the eternal plan of God, according to His promise.

The Holy Spirit was sent from God to apply to us the saving work of Christ: to enlighten our minds and make us aware of our need of a savior and to regenerate and permanently indwell each believer, becoming the source of assurance, knowledge, power, and wisdom for godly living. The Holy Spirit gives each believer spiritual gifts for the strengthening and proper functioning of the church.  He also guides believers in their understanding and application of Scripture and truth.  

The Bible is God's Word to us.  It is written by human authors who were supernaturally guided by the Holy Spirit. Although the authors were not infallible because what they wrote was inspired of God we believe the Old and New Testament original writings are without error.  The Bible is complete as a revelation of God's will for salvation and is the final authority for Christian faith and living.  

People were created to exist forever. At the end of time, all people will be resurrected and will stand before God to be judged for what they have done in this life.  While those who did not receive God's forgiveness and acceptance will be condemned to eternal separation from God, those who have been reconciled to God through faith will rejoice together in eternal communion with Him.

In non-essentials...

Where scripture is silent or unclear in regards to various religous traditions and aspects of Christian living, we look to the law of love taught by Jesus to be our guide. Where the Spirit is, there is freedom, and where the love of Christ abides, there is no fear. In the love and redemption of Jesus we take joy in our spiritual freedom as we take care to love, encourage, and not harm the faith of others. We look to the general principles of love and wisdom, the counsel of our pastors, and the collective encouragement of the church to guide us in expressing the abundant life and liberty that Jesus promised to those who follow Him.

In all things...

All of us have fallen short of what the Lord intends for our life. All the blessing and joy God created for us to enjoy in His presence has been broken and shattered by sin and separation from Him. Jesus comes to us where we are and as we are to restore us to the Father, to heal our brokeness and set us free from our captivity. Even as believers in Jesus we can struggle with the sin in our lives.

At Renaissance Christian Church we provide room and space for us to be honest with the Lord and with each other about our struggles. We seek the Lord as our Redeemer, the one who has ransomed us from the penalty of our sin, the one who reforms our hearts and minds and brings us together with the Father and each other in truth and love. We look forward to sharing our journey of redemption with you as we experience the love, grace, and peace that comes from SEEKING the Lord as we SERVE one another in SHARING the good news of our redemption in Christ.

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